~Μονή Προφήτου Ηλία Αρφαρών Μεσσηνίας 19/07/2016 : https://youtu.be/mEKyRdgCM98 .-

Σάββατο 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Σήμερα και Αύριο ...Σαββάτο και Κυριακή 04 και 05 /12 /2010 *

Σήμερα και Αύριο ...Σαββάτο και Κυριακή 04 και 05 /12 /2010 * : Με Ειδήσεις .. Αθλητικά .. Σημαντικά ...Ασήμαντα .. και Πολλά άλλα :



~** Xristougenna ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ :


** Κάλεσμα Παπανδρέου στους κοινωνικούς εταίρους
Ο Γ. Παπανδρέου, μιλώντας στο υπουργικό συμβούλιο, τόνισε ότι στηρίζει τις προσπάθειες των κοινωνικών εταίρων και υπογράμμισε ότι είναι σημαντικό, σε θέματα οικονομικά και εργασιακά, να επιδιώκεται και να επιτυγχάνεται η ευρύτερη συναίνεση

** Τη Δευτέρα η συνάντηση Παπανδρέου - Μπαρόζο
Ένα ισχυρό μήνυμα ότι η Ελλάδα, με τα μέτρα που έχει λάβει, βρίσκεται στο σωστό δρόμο, αναμένεται να στείλει ο πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, Ζοζέ Μανουέλ Μπαρόζο, κατά τη συνάντησή του τη Δευτέρα με τον Γιώργο Παπανδρέου
. -
** ΕΜΠ: «Όχι» στις προτάσεις για τις αλλαγές
Η σύγκλητος του ΕΜΠ, στη συνεδρίαση της την Παρασκευή, κατέληξε να απορρίψει το κείμενο του υπουργείου Παιδείας για τις αλλαγές στις τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση, λέγοντας ότι δεν αποτελεί βάση οποιασδήποτε συζήτησης

** Χάος σε αεροδρόμια της Ισπανίας
Το 70% των ελεγκτών εναέριας κυκλοφορίας στην Ισπανία εγκατέλειψαν τις θέσεις τους ή δεν προσήλθαν την Παρασκευή χωρίς προειδοποίηση, με αποτέλεσμα να προκληθεί χάος στα αεροδρόμια της χώρας. Ακυρώθηκαν χιλιάδες πτήσεις
. -

** Μάχη με τις φλόγες στο Ισραήλ
Η πυρκαγιά που κατακαίει το δάσος του λόφου Κάρμελ στη Χάιφα του βορείου Ισραήλ εξακολουθεί να μαίνεται ανεξέλεγκτη, ενώ έχει αφήσει πίσω της, εκτός των απανθρακωμένων δασικών εκτάσεων, 41 νεκρούς και τουλάχιστον 17 τραυματίες

** Νέες αποκαλύψεις από τη WikiLeaks
Σύμφωνα με απόρρητα έγγραφα της WikiLeaks , που δημοσιεύει η βρετανική εφημερίδα The Guardian, οι βρετανικές δυνάμεις δημιούργησαν χαώδη κατάσταση στην επαρχία Χελμάντ, στο Αφγανιστάν και δέχθηκαν επικρίσεις για την τακτική τους

** Κάλεσμα Παπανδρέου στους κοινωνικούς εταίρους
Ο Γ. Παπανδρέου, μιλώντας στο υπουργικό συμβούλιο, τόνισε ότι στηρίζει τις προσπάθειες των κοινωνικών εταίρων και υπογράμμισε ότι είναι σημαντικό, σε θέματα οικονομικά και εργασιακά, να επιδιώκεται και να επιτυγχάνεται η ευρύτερη συναίνεση

** Στα χνάρια του... παππού του
Ο Αντιπρόεδρος της κυβέρνησης κ. Θεόδωρος Πάγκαλος με επιστολή του – ηλεκτρονικό μήνυμα προς την zougla.gr ζήτησε την διαγραφή αναρτήσεων από το blog της ηλεκτρονικής μας εφημερίδας.-
Ο κ. Πάγκαλος θεωρεί πώς οι αναρτήσεις αυτές τον προσβάλλουν και πώς συνιστούν πολιτική και ρατσιστική επίθεση εναντίον του.-
Οι σχετικές αναρτήσεις στις οποίες αναφέρθηκε διαγράφτηκαν αφού ο κ. Αντιπρόεδρος τις θεωρεί προσβλητικές. -
Πρόκειται για πολλές δεκάδες αναρτήσεων.-
Ωστόσο ο κ. Πάγκαλος δια της επιστολής του ζητά επιπροσθέτως να πληροφορηθεί τα προσωπικά στοιχεία των χρηστών του Διαδικτύου οι οποίοι και ανάρτησαν τα σχόλια τους στο blog.-
Πληροφορούμε τον Αντιπρόεδρο της κυβέρνησης πως κάτι τέτοιο είναι αδύνατον.-
Δεν έχουμε ούτε το νομικό δικαίωμα να παραχωρήσουμε τέτοιες πληροφορίες αλλά ούτε και η πρακτική που υφίσταται παγκοσμίως ως προς την λειτουργία των blog το επιτρέπει. -
Αν ο κ. Πάγκαλος επιθυμεί να συγκεντρώσει τέτοιες πληροφορίες και προσωπικά δεδομένα οφείλει να γνωρίζει πώς πρέπει να απευθυνθεί στην αρμόδια εισαγγελική αρχή και μόνον.-
H zougla.gr για λόγους δεοντολογίας δεν πρόκειται να παραδώσει τους κωδικούς IP των υπολογιστών από τους οποίους αναρτήθηκαν τα σχόλια για τον αντιπρόεδρο της κυβέρνησης.-
Παρά τις έμμεσες και άμεσες απειλές του κ. Πάγκαλου πώς θα απευθυνθεί στην Δικαιοσύνη.-
Προφανώς η zougla.gr δεν συμφωνεί με τις ύβρεις και τις προσωπικές επιθέσεις. -
Ωστόσο, ως γνωστόν, η τακτική αυτή των χρηστών παρατηρείται παγκοσμίως.-
Ηγέτες παγκοσμίου εμβέλειας, ο ίδιος ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός, άλλα πολιτικά πρόσωπα βρίσκονται καθημερινά στο επίκεντρο επιθετικού σχολιασμού από χρήστες του Διαδικτύου, μέσω των blog, σε όλα τα μήκη και πλάτη της γης.-
Είναι η πρώτη φορά που η zougla.gr και το ομώνυμο blog εισπράττει μία τέτοια συμπεριφορά από πολιτικό πρόσωπο.-
Για την ιστορία επισημαίνουμε πώς από την έναρξη της λειτουργίας του blog της ηλεκτρονικής εφημερίδας δεν διαγράφτηκαν ποτέ ακόμη και υβριστικά σχόλια για τον ίδιο τον ιδιοκτήτη του site, Μάκη Τριανταφυλλόπουλο. -
Αυτά για να υφίσταται και ένα μέτρο σύγκρισης και αξιολόγησης των περιθωρίων πολιτικής ανοχής του κ. αντιπροέδρου της κυβέρνησης.-

**Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ατόμων με Ειδικές Ανάγκες
Παρασκευή, 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2010,
Η Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ατόμων με Ειδικές Ανάγκες καθιερώθηκε να εορτάζεται στις 3 Δεκεμβρίου από το 1992, καθώς εκείνη την ημέρα η Γενική Συνέλευση του Ο.Η.Ε. υιοθέτησε το πρόγραμμα δράσης για τα ΑΜΕΑ.
Η Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ατόμων με Ειδικές Ανάγκες δίνει την ευκαιρία στις κυβερνήσεις, στους οργανισμούς και στις κοινωνίες να εστιάσουν την προσοχή τους στα δικαιώματα και τις δυνατότητες των ανθρώπων με αναπηρία.-
Τo 7-10% του παγκόσμιου πληθυσμού πάσχει από μια αναπηρία, γεγονός που σημαίνει ότι μπορεί να υπάρχουν περισσότεροι από 500 εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι με ειδικές ανάγκες.-
Το 80% κατ' εκτίμηση ζει σε αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες.-


~** BOYLEYTES ή βολευτές;????????????????

Φίλες και φίλοι μου, σας απευθύνω μια επείγουσα έκκληση για ένα ζήτημα κυριολεκτικά ΖΩΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΥ
Πρόκειται για μία αγαπημένη φίλη από τη Λευκωσία, τη Μαρία Δημητρίου, η οποία είναι 25 ετών και πάσχει από μία σπάνια νευρολογική νόσο, το σύνδρομο Behcet-Αδαμαντιάδη ή “Neurobehcet disease”, που προσβάλλει ταυτόχρονα πολλά όργανα του ανθρώπινου σώματος.-

Η νόσος αυτή της έχει προκαλέσει ρευματοειδή αρθρίτιδα, σκλήρυνση κατά πλάκας, επιληπτικές κρίσεις, χρόνια εγκεφαλίτιδα λόγω φλεγμονής του εγκεφαλονωτιαίου υγρού, καθώς και μειωμένη όραση και ακοή.
Επιπλέον, έχουν κάνει την εμφάνισή τους μια σειρά από καρκινικοί όγκοι κοντά στην υπόφυση, αλλά και στην κοιλιακή χώρα, πράγμα που κάνει την κατάσταση ακόμα πιο απελπιστική.-

Η Μαρία έχει κάνει μια σειρά από χειρουργικές επεμβάσεις στην Κύπρο και στην Αγγλία, χωρίς θεαματικά αποτελέσματα, ενώ αναγκάζεται να παίρνει σχεδόν σε καθημερινή βάση ισχυρά παυσίπονα, μορφίνη και κορτιζόνη, προκειμένου να αντέχει τους φρικτούς πόνους. Μέχρι στιγμής η μόνη ελπίδα φαίνεται πως έρχεται από το Mayo Clinic των Η.Π.Α., μια κλινική με ιδιαίτερη εξειδίκευση στη συγκεκριμένη νόσο. Το πρόβλημα είναι πως το υπουργείο Υγείας της κυπριακής κυβέρνησης αρνείται να καλύψει τα υψηλά έξοδα νοσηλείας, με αποτέλεσμα να χάνεται πολύτιμος χρόνος, κατά τη διάρκεια του οποίου η υγεία της Μαρίας επιδεινώνεται δραματικά.Για το λόγο αυτό, η οικογένεια της Μαρίας αναγκάστηκε (μετά από προτροπή των γιατρών και πολλών φίλων) να ανοίξει λογαριασμούς στην Ελληνική Τράπεζα και στη Νέα ΣΠΕ ( Νέα Συνεργατική Πιστωτική Εταιρεία) Αγλαντζιάς, προκειμένου να συγκεντρωθεί το χρηματικό ποσό που απαιτείται για να μεταφερθεί η Μαρία στο Mayo Clinic και να υποβληθεί στις απαραίτητες εξετάσεις και επεμβάσεις. Οι γιατροί που την παρακολουθούν τονίζουν πως το ταξίδι πρέπει να γίνει μέσα στον επόμενο μήνα, καθώς δεν υπάρχει πλέον καιρός για χάσιμο και τα περιθώρια συνεχώς στενεύουν. Δεν είναι υπερβολή να πούμε πως η ζωή της κρέμεται πλέον από μια κλωστή.Η ίδια η Μαρία γνωρίζει πολύ καλά την κρισιμότητα της κατάστασής της (μας ενημερώνει συχνά μέσα από το ιστολόγιό της, αλλά και με sms στα κινητά μας τηλέφωνα, μόνο που αποφεύγει να μιλήσει σε κινητό, λόγω της ακτινοβολίας) και το μόνο που ζητάει είναι όση ζωή της απομένει να είναι κατά το δυνατό ποιοτική, πράγμα που σημαίνει να μην πονάει και να μπορεί να εκτελεί βασικές λειτουργίες και να αυτοσυντηρείται. Ό,τι δηλαδή για όλους εμάς θεωρείται δεδομένο και αυτονόητο, για εκείνη είναι το στοίχημα και το όνειρό της ζωής της…
Θέλω επίσης να τονίσω πως η Μαρία είναι μια κοπέλα περήφανη και αξιοπρεπής και δεν ήθελε με τίποτα να ανοιχτεί λογαριασμός για χάρη της. Εγώ ο ίδιος την παρακαλούσα για μήνες μέσω e-mail και γραπτών μηνυμάτων και η μόνιμη απάντησή της ήταν πως δε θέλει να γίνει αποδέκτης εράνου και “ελεημοσύνης”. Τον τελευταίο μήνα όμως η επιδείνωση της υγείας της ήταν αλματώδης, έτσι αναγκάστηκε να συμφωνήσει, με μοναδικό όρο να μη δημοσιευτεί η φωτογραφία της.
Γνωρίζοντας πόσο δύσκολο είναι, στην άσχημη οικονομική συγκυρία που διανύουμε, να στερηθούμε οποιοδήποτε χρηματικό ποσό, σας ζητώ να αγκαλιάσουμε όλοι μαζί αυτό το γενναίο κορίτσι, που παλεύει καθημερινά με τις ασθένειες και το θάνατο κι όμως μπορεί ακόμα να γελά και να ονειρεύεται, δίνοντας μας κουράγιο, δύναμη ψυχής και παράδειγμα ζωής. Όσοι επιθυμούν να συνεισφέρουν, μπορούν να καταθέσουν την οικονομική τους βοήθεια στους παρακάτω λογαριασμούς:
1]. Νέα ΣΠΕ Αγλαντζιάς : CY14007042100000000020162227 – SWIFT NUMBER: CCBKCY2N
2]. Ελληνική Τράπεζα: CY43005001120001121054591900 – SWIFT NUMBER: HEBACY2N
Όνομα: Μαρία Δημητρίου
[Διευκρινιστικά, η «Νέα ΣΠΕ Αγλαντζιάς» είναι μια Συνεργατική Πιστωτική Εταιρεία, με έδρα την Κύπρο, που ιδρύθηκε το 1948 για να προστατεύσει τα εισοδήματα των πολιτών από την εκμετάλλευση της τοκογλυφίας και που σήμερα δραστηριοποιείται σε πολλούς τομείς, ένας απ’ τους οποίους είναι και η συμμετοχή στην οργάνωση φιλανθρωπικών εκστρατειών. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες:
http://aglantzia.net16.net/ ]
Υποθέτω (με κάποια επιφύλαξη) πως, αν δεν υπάρχει στην πόλη σας υποκατάστημα της Ελληνικής Τράπεζας, μπορείτε να καταθέσετε το ποσό σε κάποια άλλη τράπεζα και από αυτή να μεταφερθούν τα χρήματα στους λογαριασμούς της Μαρίας, μέσω διατραπεζικής συναλλαγής.Πάμε, παιδιά, να κάνουμε όλοι μαζί την προσπάθειά μας!Πιστεύω στη δύναμη της συλλογικότητας που μπορεί να κάνει θαύματα με τη βοήθεια της τεχνολογίας!Έχουμε αποδείξει ότι το διαδίκτυο μας φέρνει πιο κοντά και μας ενώνει. Ας αποδείξουμε τώρα πως δε μας ενώνουν μόνο φιλοσοφικές ανησυχίες, μουσικές προτιμήσεις και η απλή ανάγκη για επικοινωνία!Ας κάνουμε μαζί την υπέρβαση! Το ξέρω ότι μπορούμε!Δώστε ό,τι θέλει ο καθένας απ’ το υστέρημά του και διαδώστε την εκστρατεία μας σε γνωστούς και άγνωστους! Ίσως έχει κάποιος πρόσβαση σε τηλεοπτικούς και ραδιοφωνικούς σταθμούς και σε εφημερίδες. Αν δώσουμε μεγάλη δημοσιότητα, θα το σώσουμε το κορίτσι!Όσοι θέλετε να επισκεφτείτε το αρχικό μπλογκ της Μαρίας, μπείτε στο:http://www.mariatweety.blogspot.com/
Αν θέλετε να μάθετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την κατάστασή της και να επικοινωνήσετε προσωπικά με την ίδια,μπορείτε να της στείλετε e-mail στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση:mariademetriou@ymail.com
Με τον τρόπο αυτό, μπορεί να σας στείλει και μια πρόσκληση για να μπείτε στο δεύτερο μπλογκ, το οποίο λειτουργεί μόνο για
φίλους που επιλέγει η ίδια η Μαρία, γιατί θέλει να αποφύγει διάφορους ενοχλητικούς που έγραφαν ανοησίες στο αρχικό μπλογκ.
Με αυτά σας αφήνω και σας ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων για την προσπάθειά σας!

** ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΑ Σήμερα και Αύριο :

~* Μεταγραφικός πυρετός στον ΠΑΟ
Οι πράσινοι φορτσάρουν ενόψει της μεταγραφικής περιόδου του Ιανουαρίου και τα ονόματα που ακούγονται είναι για όλα τα γούστα και όλα τα βαλάντια
. -
Σχάαρς, Κάριου, Τζιοβάνι Ντος Σάντος, Ράκιτιτς, Μπραντάο και άλλοι στη πράσινη λίστα. Δένει Βύντρα μέσα στον Δεκέμβρη .-

** ΠΟΔΟΣΦΑΙΡΙΣΤΕΣ ΠΟΥ ΕΝΔΙΑΦΕΡΕΤΑΙ για τις μεταγραφές του Γεννάρι ο ΠΑΟ : Σχετικά βίντεο από τους ποδοσφαιριστές που ενδιαφέρουν τον Παναθηναϊκό :

** Ο ΙΒΑΝ Ράκιτιτς εν δράσει …ένα 10ρι από την Κροατία 22 χρονών που ενδιαφέρει τον Παναθηναϊκό !! :

** O MPANTAO εν δράση …μεταγραφικό ενδιαφέρον για Παναθηναϊκό τον Ιανουάριο 2011 : The best Moments : 26 χρονών

** ΤΖΙΟΒΑΝΙ ΝΤΟΣ ΣΑΝΤΟΣ εν δράσει : The best of Giovanni Dos Santos : 26 χρονών

*** 0 26χρονος ΑΛΚΜΑΑΡ Στάϊν ΣΧΑΑΡΣ , είναι οπρώτος στόχος της Πράσινης ΠΑΕ για τον Δεκέμβρη .-

*** Ο διάδοχος Σταμάτιος ο νεότερος του Βασίλη Σ.Σ. 20/09/2010 :
Ο Ποιό μικρός Πανάθας φ'ιλαθλος !!!!

** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNxOpJFKeSY ,

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 12:05 PM PST
Σε όλους τους γονείς παιδιών με αναπηρίες, που έχετε ήδη ξεκινήσει με αγωνία έναν δρόμο δύσβατο κι ανηφορικό, θέλω να στείλω ένα μήνυμα: Δεν είμαστε τυχαίοι. Μας επέλεξε ο Θεός για τα δύσκολα. Η...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

«Μικροί Πλάτωνες» - Φιλόσοφοι νηπιακής ηλικίας Atelier Fhilo - «Ce n' est qu' un debut»
Posted: 03 Dec 2010 03:13 AM PST
Τα παιδιά από τη στιγμή που αρχίζουν να μαθαίνουν να μιλούν βομβαρδίζουν τους γονείς και όσους βρίσκονται στο περιβάλλον τους με χιλιάδες ερωτήσεις, που πολλές φορές απαιτούν και «δύσκολες»...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

*** Αμφίρροπα ματς σε Μαρούσι, Θεσσαλονίκη
Οι μάχες για την 7η αγωνιστική του πρωταθλήματος αναμένονται συναρπαστικές και αμφίρροπες μάχες με τα βλέμματα να συγκεντρώνονται στον Άγιο Θωμά και το Αλεξάνδρειο ...

~ Σα, Ηρακλής - Παναθηναϊκός 44-87 , (23-47) .-
~Σα, ΑΕΚ - Κολοσσός Ρόδου 73-91 , (28-39).-
~Σα, Μαρούσι - Πανελλήνιος , στην παράταση 96-94 ,κ.α. 81-81 , (43-37) .-

~* Σα , Ίκαρος Καλλιθέας - Ηλυσιακός 72-70 , (31-39).-
~Σα , Άρης - Καβάλα 80-69 , (40-37) .-

~Κυ, Πανιώνιος - Περιστέρι 61-66 .-
~Κυ, Ολυμπιακός - ΠΑΟΚ 89-82 .-

Κυ,~* ΚΑΒΑΛΑ - ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ 0-1 , (0-1) , τα γκόλ: 39΄πεν. Φουστέρ ,
~* Σα ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ - ΕΡΓΟΤΕΛΗΣ 1-1 , (0-1).- τα γκόλ 39΄Ρομάνο , 51΄ Λίμα
~* Σα,ΠΑΝΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟΣ - ΠΑΣΣΕΡΑΙΚΟΣ 2-0 , (1-0) , τα γκόλ , 16΄Μπουμσόνκ ,69΄Σισέ
Παναθηναϊκός-Πανσερραϊκός 2-0
15' Mπουμσόνγκ ,69΄Τζιμπρίλ Σισέ ,


Παναθηναϊκός(Ζεσουάλδο Φερέιρα): Τζόρβας, Σπυρόπουλος, Καντέ, Μπουμσόνγκ, Σεϊταρίδης, Ζιλμπέρτο, Πλεσί (46΄Σιμάο), Χριστοδουλόπουλος(80΄Μαυρίας), Νίνης, Γκοβού(58΄Μαρίνος), Σισέ ,.-

Πανσερραϊκός (Ντράγκαν Κοκότοβιτς): Ράντμαν, Άμο, Γεωργιάδης, Μπέλιτς, Νταλέ, Μαβένε, Παπάζογλου, Σουμπίνιο, Λεοζίνιο, Άλβαρεζ, Αμπουμπακάρι , .-

Κυ, ~* ΑΤΡΟΜΗΤΟΣ - ΑΕΚ 1-1 , τα γκόλ , 85΄Μπλάνκο , 89΄Αναστασάκος .-
~* Σα ,ΠΑΝΙΩΝΙΟΣ - ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ 0-1 , (0-1).-τα γκόλ , 17΄Φλαβίνιο ,

Κυ, ~* ΞΑΝΘΗ - ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ Βόλου 1-0 , το γκόλ 57΄ Μαρσελίνιο .-

Κυ, ~* ΑΡΗΣ Θεσ/νικης - Αστέρας Τρίπολης 1-0 (0-0).-τα γκόλ , 54΄Νέτο ,

Κυ,~* ΛΑΡΙΣΑ - ΠΑΟΚ Θεσ/νίκης 1-2 (1-1) .-τα γκόλ , 11΄ Κοντρέρας , 18΄Μπουζάν , 72΄Αθανασιάδης ,

*** * ΣΤΟ ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ Β΄ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ : Σάββατο 04/12/2010 ,Football League :

~**Σα, ΒΕΡΟΙΑ - ΔΙΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΡΟΔΟΥ 1-2 , (0-1), τα γκόλ ,18΄ Γκούτμαν , 65΄Γεωργίου ,73΄Καλτσάς , 83΄ο Γ. Σαϊχιώτης έχεσε πέναλτι , .-


Για την Β΄ εθνική την Δευτέρα 06/12/2010 :~* ΔΟΞΑ ΔΡΑΜΑΣ - ΗΛΙΟΥΠΟΛΗ 2-0 και ΘΡΑΣΥΒΟΥΛΟΣ - ΑΓΡΟΤΙΚΟΣ ΑΣΤΕΡΑΣ 2-2 .-

**** Στο Πρωτάθλημα Πόλο Ανδρών : ΠΑΟΚ Θεσ/κης - Ολυμπιακός Πειραιώς 8-9 .-
****Στο πόλο γυναικών Πρωτάθλημα : Ολυμπιακός Πειραιώς - Ηρακλής Θεσ/νίκης ;
**** Στο πόλο ανδρών πρωτάθλημα , : Παναθηναϊκός -Βουλιαγμένη 7-6 .-

~* ** Η επόμενη αγωνιστική (14η) Σάββατο 11/12/2010 :

Ολυμπιακός Βόλου-Άρης


*** Κυριακή 12/12 /2010 :

SKODA Ξάνθη-Καβάλα





Αστέρας Τρίπολης-Παναθηναϊκός


~** Γειά σου stamos1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ο otimeneyriazei σου έστειλε το παρακάτω μήνυμα στον πίνακα σου- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kαλή δύναμη στο νέο σου BlogΧρίστος- http://otimeneyriazei.blogspot.com/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Για να απαντήσεις στο μήνυμα του ακολούθα τον σύνδεσμο: http://www.sync.gr/otimeneyriazei/ .-

~**Γειά σου stamos1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ο TaXamenaEpeisodia σου έστειλε το παρακάτω μήνυμα στον πίνακα σου- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Επεισόδιο Έκτο http://wp.me/p15kMN-mc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Για να απαντήσεις στο μήνυμα του ακολούθα τον σύνδεσμο: http://www.sync.gr/TaXamenaEpeisodia/ .-

~** /Η Gia osous agapame Amanda(Kirsten Prout) σχολίασε τη φωτογραφία σας. Ο/H Gia osous agapame Amanda(Kirsten Prout) έγραψε:"kalispera file m stamati!!:)"Για να δείτε όλα τα σχόλια, ακολουθείστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:http://www.facebook.com/n/?photo.php&fbid=1754832517726&set=o.111927498863816&mid=364317dG56358b7cG2632f35G9&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook .-

~** Ο/Η Nikolina Foudoulaki έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΑΚΟ ΡΑΔΙΟΦΩΝΟ.

Nikolina FoudoulakiDecember 4, 2010 at 1:52pm
Θέμα: ΕΚΠΟΜΠΗ!!!!
ΜΗΝ ΧΑΣΕΤΕ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΣΤΙΣ 2 ΤΗΝ ΕΚΠΟΜΠΗ “ΝΕΑΝΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ” ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΝΙΚΟΛΙΝΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΤΖΩΡΤΖΙΝΑ ΦΟΥΝΤΟΥΛΑΚΗ ΜΑΖΙ ΤΟΥΣ Ο ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΡΑΜ.ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΑΚΟ ΡΑΔΙΟΦΩΝΟ ..! ΑΚΟΥΣΤΕ ΜΑΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΣΕΛΙΔΑ ΜΑΣ http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce32XuMhKwUK-294V9kQY3isaA;www.elpar.gr/ http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce325sjbRrD-hZgGKRuGyDNvZQ;w13.ustream.tv/channel/elpar-tv-gr ή απο τους συνδεσμους http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce32Pzc1FuTBRO1eZ-cFXMFdfA;www.e-radio.gr/player/player....el.asp?sid=533 http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce32TwXKSSwbbf0MOr1Q4f1Xqg;listen.onestreaming.com/asx/elpar.asxhttp://www.facebook.com/l/4ce32SoWwqNOPFTuYowuqebJcXw;24radio.gr/code/station.php?stat .-

~**Ο/Η E-tirnavos Gr έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Δεκέμβριος: ένα μήνας γεμάτος προσφορές!

E-tirnavos GrDecember 4, 2010 at 12:52pm
Θέμα: San-ta δώρα της Vodafone δεν θα βρεις πουθενά!
Και αυτά τα Χριστούγεννα ο Αϊ Βασίλης αλλάζει καριέρα… γιατί και φέτος τα καλύτερα δώρα τα φέρνει η Vodafone! http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce32U3wwNoOQSmRkFnOozBoh5w;e-tirnavos.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1655:san-ta-vodafone-&catid=3:newsflash&Itemid=125 .-

Νίκο δεν μπόρεσα να έρθω γιατί έχω μάθημα 5-8 στο μεταπτυχιακό μου στο μακεδονίας.Αρχικά μου είχες πει για τις 830. Βασίλης ΜεσσαριτάκηςΠεριορίζοντας Σπιτάλας Νικόλαος Spitalas@teikav.edu.gr:> ΔΕΣΤΕ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΩΤΗ ΣΥΝΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΔΙΑΖΕΥΓΜΕΝΩΝ ΣΤΗ ΧΑΝΘ.> ΕΛΑΤΕ ΤΗΝ ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 8 ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 15 ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ, ΩΡΑ 6.30:> http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=45010&id=100001252794515&l=f838a4a9fa----------------------------------------------------------This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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~**Ο/Η Milan Papas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Μαύρο Ιστολόγιο Κομμουνισμού - Black Blog of Communism.

Milan PapasDecember 4, 2010 at 11:30am
Θέμα: Το έπος του Συντάγματος Μακρυγιάννη (ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟ)
Περιεχόμενα του αφιέρωματος στο ΕΠΟΣ της αντίστασης του Συντάγματος Χωροφυλακής Μακρυγιάννη κατά τα Δεκεμβριανά του 1944:

http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce329Pd9rOI8c8_EId218qtA1Q;blackblogofcommunism.com/2010/12/04/%cf%84%ce%bf-%ce%ad%cf%80%ce%bf%cf%82-%cf%84%ce%bf%cf%85-%cf%83%cf%85%ce%bd%cf%84%ce%ac%ce%b3%ce%bc%ce%b1%cf%84%ce%bf%cf%82-%ce%bc%ce%b1%ce%ba%cf%81%cf%85%ce%b3%ce%b9%ce%ac%ce%bd%ce%bd%ce%b7/ .-

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~** Ο/Η E-tirnavos Gr έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Δεκέμβριος: ένα μήνας γεμάτος προσφορές!

E-tirnavos GrDecember 4, 2010 at 6:45pm
Θέμα: Hi-Tech Gift: Ο "σκληρός" του Playboy
* Hi-Tech Gift: Ο "σκληρός" του Playboy

http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce328C5hAYcXcapNYmOijqL-dg;e-tirnavos.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1714:hi-tech-gift-qq-playboy&catid=88:gadgets&Itemid=156 * Οθόνη LCD 22in. LG από 1€

http://www.facebook.com/l/4ce32ZuBQXjTeGBnh6e8oV9zLIA;e-tirnavos.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1690%3A-lcd-22in-lg--1&catid=104%3A2010-10-15-16-42-25&Itemid=182 ,.-

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~** Ο/Η Gia osous agapame Amanda(Kirsten Prout) σχολίασε τη φωτογραφία σας. Ο/H Gia osous agapame Amanda(Kirsten Prout) έγραψε:"Καλησπέρα, φίλε Σταμάτη! Σας ευχαριστούμε για την φωτογραφία. Να είστε πάντα καλά. -Πάνος Prout-"Για να δείτε όλα τα σχόλια, ακολουθείστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:http://www.facebook.com/n/?photo.php&fbid=1754832517726&set=o.111927498863816&mid=3645d70G56358b7cG2632f35G9&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook ___ Απαντήστε σε αυτό το email για να σχολιάσετε αυτήν τη φωτογραφία. Βρείτε άτομα από τη λίστα επαφών σας του Windows Live Hotmail στο Facebook! Μεταβείτε στο: http://www.facebook.com/find-friends/?ref=email

~**SonicoIn the photo of Carlos Roberto Cattani, Alejandra Piña Gomez commented:"hola como estas victor"See the photo and answer to the comment Greetings Stamatios!Sonico.com

~** Angela Gondim has invited you to see his/her photo album: Album: MAÇÃ,A GLORIOSA
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~**Angela Gondim has invited you to see his/her photo album: Album: ENTÃO,É NATAL.......SEM PALAVRAS!!!!!! ...... View album » .-

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Alkmini-Despoina Fragou
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~** Ένας διάλογος σε τράπεζα. Βγαλμένος απ την καθημερινότηταΕΝΑΣ ΑΛΗΘ...doc
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Venitism is a new libertarian paradigm which integrates politics, economics, ethics, and spirituality. Venitists follow the Venitis Laws:Venitis Law of Black Hole: Taxation is armed robbery that feeds the black holeof political corruption; it's the perfect index of corruption and tyranny. Onlyevil governments tax citizens and companies.Venitis Law of Constitution: The only purpose of a constitution is to protectcitizens from government abuse. Reform treaties of a confederation not voted bythe citizens are null and void.Venitis Law of Democracy: Every democracy is eventually hijacked byrabblerousers, pullpeddlers, clans of kleptocrats, bumptious bugaboos,busybodies, butterbabies, nabobs of nepotism, cranks of cronyism, pusillanimouspussyfooters, riffraffs of rascals, socialist sophists, and machiavellianmafiosi. Democracy tends to kleptocracy. Anarchy should replace democracy.Venitis Law of Depression: Only governments can cause economic depressions andfunny money. Lower tax rates, a reduction in the burden of government, andelimination of kleptocracy and VAT are the only way to boost growth.Venitis Law of Education: There is no direct relationship between education andschooling. You might be schooled but uneducated, and you might be educated butunschooled. Schools are concentration camps for the drones of society. Unschooling is much better than schooling. Internet is the best source ofknowledge and information, replacing schools, libraries, media, parliaments, andpostoffice.Venitis Law of Environment: The best way to save the environment is vasectomy. Deadly viruses are Gaia's antibiotics against the cancer of overpopulation.Venitis Law of Equality: Death is the only equalizer. Egalitarianism bringsdeath to society, transforming citizens to zombies.Venitis Law of Evolution: The ultimate phase of human evolution is the completedomination of soul.Venitis Law of Faith: Faith is retarded thinking that keeps you away from God. You have to become faithless, in order to start your journey to God! You haveto discover God your own way without intermediaries. God's truth should replacefaith.Venitis Law of Government: The only purpose of government is to protect citizensfrom criminals. Public services, central banks, and fiat money should beabolished.Venitis Law of Heroism: Entrepreneurs, innovators, anarchists, and heretics are the real heroes.Venitis Law of Insurance: Citizens with proper individual retirement accountsand health savings accounts should be allowed to opt out of State Insurance.Venitis Law of Intervention: Any government intervention deteriorates anexisting trend. Laissez-faire is the only progressive policy.Venitis Law of Legislature: Parliaments should be abolished, because theycontinuously create laws that enslave citizens, constraint economic activity,loot producers, reward drones, and encourage political corruption.Venitis Law of Misery: Throwing money to misery brings more misery. Fightingwild leverage with more leverage is homeopathic repression of reality. A delugeof fiat money brings financial plague and haemorrhage of economy. Real money istied up to precious metals and strategic metals.Venitis Law of Patriotism: Patriotism is addiction to local hysteria.Venitis Law of Property: Governments should not own or regulate any property,including electromagnetic waves. The first individual who improves or cultivates any unclaimed property is entitled to that property. Governments cannot own, allocate,regulate, or manipulate frequency fields and media. Eminent domain is null andvoid.Venitis Law of Religion: Religion is spiritual slavery. Church is the businessof religion. Religious monopoly turns bishops to ayatollahs, and churches toSodom and Gomor. Spirituality and metaphysics should replace religion.Venitis Law of Selfownership: You own your body and your soul, and nobody shoulddictate what you take in and what you take out. Speech, education, heresy,habeas corpus, military service, mating, healthcare, abortion, cloning, drugs,guns, and euthanasia should be personal choices.Venitis Law of Style: Your soul needs to resonate with mighty words and uniqueacts that express your style and destiny. Your government cannot dictate yourlanguage, your words, and your culture. Resonate now and sing your song!Venitis Law of System: The most efficient political system is anarchy, whereeverything is private, there are no taxes at all, there is no government, and there is no parliament.Venitis Square Law: Political corruption is proportional to the square of thesize of the government.Venitis Tax Law: For each percent of lower taxes, the economy grows by at leastfour percent more, and the government gets more revenue. Raising tax rates ismasochism. Smart stimulus is to cut tax rates. Stupidus stimulus is to increasespending, which stimulates the cancer of statism!


No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. So, governments' programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth.But as a former Democrat, I can tell you Norman Thomas isn't the only man who has drawn this parallel to socialism with the present administration, because back in 1936, Mr. Democrat himself, Al Smith, the great American, came before the American people and charged that the leadership of his Party was taking the Party of Jefferson, Jackson, and Cleveland down the road under the banners of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. And he walked away from his Party, and he never returned till the day he died -- because to this day, the leadership of that Party has been taking that Party, that honorable Party, down the road in the image of the labor Socialist Party of England.Now it doesn't require expropriation or confiscation of private property or business to impose socialism on a people. What does it mean whether you hold the deed to the -- or the title to your business or property if the government holds the power of life and death over that business or property? And such machinery already exists. The government can find some charge to bring against any concern it chooses to prosecute. Every businessman has his own tale of harassment. Somewhere a perversion has taken place. Our natural, unalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation of government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment. Our Democratic opponents seem unwilling to debate these issues. They want to make you and I believe that this is a contest between two men -- that we're to choose just between two personalities.Well what of this man that they would destroy -- and in destroying, they would destroy that which he represents, the ideas that you and I hold dear? Is he the brash and shallow and trigger-happy man they say he is? Well I've been privileged to know him "when." I knew him long before he ever dreamed of trying for high office, and I can tell you personally I've never known a man in my life I believed so incapable of doing a dishonest or dishonorable thing.Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us they have a utopian solution of peace without victory. They call their policy "accommodation." And they say if we'll only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy, he'll forget his evil ways and learn to love us. All who oppose them are indicted as warmongers. They say we offer simple answers to complex problems. Well, perhaps there is a simple answer -- not an easy answer -- but simple: If you and I have the courage to tell our elected officials that we want our national policy based on what we know in our hearts is morally right.You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin -- just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard 'round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it's a simple answer after all.You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance." And this -- this is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said, "The destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we're spirits -- not animals." And he said, "There's something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com


Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), strongly argues in favour of seizing the opportunity of the ongoing evaluation process to clearly demonstrate the necessity and justification for the Data Retention Directive.Greece has gone bananas with data retention, confiscating the computers of dissident bloggers and examining their hard disks in Gestapo type laboratories! Greek dissident bloggers are arrested for exercising the right to free expression and are jailed on grotesque charges, such as treason, after sham trials. Politicians are trying to take away your right to read what you want, and to say what you want. The Internet is making it possible for new voices to be heard, the voices of netizens who simply could not afford to publish their ideas or display their artistic talents to a wide audience using older technologies. Established interests of both the left and the right fear new voices, and are trying to control what appears on the Internet through new laws and regulations.Hustinx emphasizes that the retention of traffic and location data of all persons in the European Union (EU), whenever they use the telephone or the Internet, is a huge interference with the right to privacy of all citizens. As such, Hustinx regards the Directive as the most privacy invasive instrument ever adopted by the EU in terms of scale and the number of people it affects.Graecokleptocrats persecute dissident bloggers using brutal cybercops. The stupidity and vindictiveness of certain Greek ministers is out of this world. Graecokleptocrats and Graecomedia are in cahoots to preserve the corrupt status quo, mudslinging dissident bloggers. The Ministry of Truth or Minitrue in Newspeak was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by the government of Dystopia to control information in his seminal novel of 1984. Now, governments have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. But there is no way Minitrue can gag the internet. Any massive invasion of privacy needs profound justification. Hustinx calls on the European Commission to use the evaluation exercise to actually prove the necessity of the Directive. Concrete facts and figures should also make it possible to assess whether the results presented in the evaluation could have been achieved with other less privacy invasive means.Bloggers have to put up with the Greek government, the bully of blogosphere. Starting with no money, no backers, and no affiliation with elite institutions, the internet made it possible for hoi polloi to succeed by making knowledge accessible and searchable on a scale never previously available. The intellectual playing field was being leveled and the internet changed the way we think about the very real possibility of fairness and opportunity in a world that has for too long been rigged to favor the elite.The evaluation Hustinx is currently waiting for is the moment of truth for the Data Retention Directive. Evidence is required that it constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure. Without such proof, the Directive should be withdrawn or replaced by a less privacy invasive instrument which meets the requirements of necessity and proportionality. Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating an infamous gang of cybercops. Graecokleptocrats have discovered this gang is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for cybercops to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!Hustinx insists on the fact that the Data Retention Directive clearly failed to harmonise national legislation. Significant discrepancies between the implementing laws of the EU Member States have led to legal uncertainty for citizens. It has also resulted in a situation where the use of the retained data is not strictly limited to the combat of really serious crimes.Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and violent deranged cybercops. Heroic Greek dissident bloggers are locked in jail and tortured with courts, perjuring cybercops, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek cybercops broke into the home of a dissident distinguished professor, confiscated his computer, locked him in jail, and leaked false information to the media ridiculing the dissident all over Greece! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old professor was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! The innocent professor had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister of the Greek government, who tried to use him as a scapegoat for the bad publicity of Graecokleptocrats. Is Premier Papandreou proud of the deranged minister? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for its freakish behavior. Hustinx asserts that a new or modified EU instrument on data retention should be clear about its scope and create legal certainty for citizens. This means that it should also regulate the possibilities for access and further use by law enforcement authorities and leave no room for the Member States to use the data for additional purposes. Bloggers cause anxiety to kleptocrats. Governments are wary of those posting news, without being professional journalists. Worse, bloggers sometimes raise sensitive issues which the traditional media do not dare cover. Blogs have in some countries, especially Greece, become the only reliable source of news.Let's acknowledge that blogs are a fantastic tool for freedom of expression. They have unloosed the tongues of ordinary citizens. People who were until now only consumers of news have become players in a new form of journalism, a grassroots journalism,that is by the people for the people.Only high-risk takers blog without pseudonyms. Dissident Iranians are very creative in pseudonyms: Thunder Heart and Liss Nup are Tire Akhar, Irani Vatanparast, Mikrobe Siasi, Zibatarin Moosighi, Sokooto Dard, Gole Green, Na Mous, Zane Irani, Baghlava Rashti, Freedom-of Expression, The-final Bullet, Iranian Patriot, Political Bacteria, The-most-beautiful Music, Silence and Pain, Green Flower, Hon Our (honour), Iranian Woman, and mahi siah-e kuchulu (the little black fish), in homage to the children's story of that title and its author, the eloquent school teacher Samad Behrangi. The black fish determined to discover the world beyond the little stream of her habitat, a political allegory that sealed Behrangi's fate and resonates today more than ever.

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You have heard no concepts of morality but the mystical or the social. You have been taught that morality is a code of behavior imposed on you by whim, the whim of a supernatural power or the whim of society, to serve God's purpose or your neighbor's welfare, to please an authority beyond the grave or else next door, but not to serve your life or pleasure. Your pleasure, you have been taught, is to be found in immorality, your interests would best be served by evil, and any moral code must be designed not for you, but against you, not to further your life, but to drain it.For centuries, the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that your life belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighbors, between those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of incompetents on earth. And no one came to say that your life belongs to you and that the good is to live it.Both sides agreed that morality demands the surrender of your self-interest and of your mind, that the moral and the practical are opposites, that morality is not the province of reason, but the province of faith and force. Both sides agreed that no rational morality is possible, that there is no right or wrong in reason, that in reason there's no reason to be moral.Whatever else they fought about, it was against man's mind that all your moralists have stood united. It was man's mind that all their schemes and systems were intended to despoil and destroy. Now choose to perish or to learn that the anti-mind is the anti-life.Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not. His body is given to him, its sustenance is not. His mind is given to him, its content is not. To remain alive, he must act, and before he can act he must know the nature and purpose of his action. He cannot obtain his food without a knowledge of food and of the way to obtain it. He cannot dig a ditch, or build a cyclotron, without a knowledge of his aim and of the means to achieve it. To remain alive, he must think.But to think is an act of choice. The key to what you so recklessly call human nature, the open secret you live with, yet dread to name, is the fact that man is a being of volitional consciousness. Reason does not work automatically; thinking is not a mechanical process; the connections of logic are not made by instinct. The function of your stomach, lungs or heart is automatic; the function of your mind is not. In any hour and issue of your life, you are free to think or to evade that effort. But you are not free to escape from your nature, from the fact that reason is your means of survival, so that for you, who are a human being, the question to be or not to be is the question to think or not to think.A being of volitional consciousness has no automatic course of behavior. He needs a code of values to guide his actions. Value is that which one acts to gain and keep, virtue is the action by which one gains and keeps it. Value presupposes an answer to the question: of value to whom and for what? Value presupposes a standard, a purpose and the necessity of action in the face of an alternative. Where there are no alternatives, no values are possible.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com .-


Fourth Reich(EU) Member States today backed a draft law that ensures defendants' right to information in criminal proceedings just four months after the Commission's proposal. The measure will ensure that EU countries will give anyone arrested – or the subject of a European Arrest Warrant – a Letter of Rights listing their basic rights during criminal proceedings. The Greek Ministry of Justice is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Injustice, aka Kangaroo Ministry! It's justice proceeding by leaps, like a kangaroo. Most courts of the metropolitan area of Athens are located on Evelpidon campus, a Kangaroo valley where trials on average last a couple of minutes without jury. The Commission has provided Member States with a model letter, which will be translated in 22 EU languages. The European Parliament will now have to vote on the measure. The right to information in criminal proceedings is part of a series of fair trial measures that aims to boost confidence in the EU's single area of justice. "Today's agreement by EU Justice Ministers on the Letter of Rights is another step that will help ensure that suspects can enjoy their right to a fair trial in criminal proceedings across all EU countries," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner. "I am extremely pleased with how quickly EU governments acted on this important measure. I am confident that the European Parliament will now move as swiftly to vote on this important measure and deliver tangible benefits to citizens. We are truly building a single area of justice that will enhance mutual trust between citizens and judicial authorities in all 27 Member States. We are ensuring that minimum procedural standards are respected across the EU."Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity, whereas citizens suffer from perjury. Police thugs are the main perjurers. Public prosecutors pick up either very easy targets of poor people who cannot afford defense to justify a quota system or very large targets to get publicity. Prosecuting famous bloggers brings a lot of publicity to machiavellian kleptocrats, pusillanimous prosecutors, and bumptious cybercops. Once in place, the new measure will ensure that police and prosecutors will provide suspects with information about their rights. Following an arrest, authorities will give this information in writing – in a Letter of Rights – drafted in simple, everyday language. It will be provided to suspects upon arrest in all cases, whether they ask for it or not, and translated if necessary.There is no independence of justice in Greece, and perjurers are dime a dozen. The huge Greek judiciary corruption complements the huge political corruption. Extrajudicial rings of judges, clergy, and kleptocrats manipulate the Greek justice system. Many judges have been found guilty for participating in trial-fixing rackets.Greece's criminal justice system is very slow and ineffective, losing files and protecting kleptocracy and police brutality. The European Court of Justice has ruled against Greece myriad times in cases related to the terrible Greek judiciary. For many years, there have been substantial loopholes of Greek laws. The judiciary systematically covers up corruption cases the minute they involve civil servants or kleptocrats. The Letter of Rights will contain practical details about accused persons' rights:* to a lawyer;* to be informed of the charge and, where appropriate, to have access to the case-file; * to interpretation and translation for those who do not understand the language of the proceedings;* to be brought promptly before a court following arrest.Lesmiserables syndrome is the prosecution of a minor infraction which catalyzes a series of major infractions. Innocent people suffer from lesmiserables syndrome, whereas kleptocrats enjoy impunity. Jails are full of lesmiserables, an injustice which will result in a global revolt against kleptocrats. There is an elasticity limit to how much abuse innocent people could tolerate. On a clear day, xasteria, lesmiserables and taxstrucks will take their guns and shoot all kleptocrats they could find. Lesmiserables do not need misereres, but guns. We've reached the limit of elasticity, and now is the time to revolt.Every day, new laws are created that make the yoke on citizens much heavier. Every new law is a new constraint on activity. This cannot go forever. Eventually people will revolt. To make it in life, you have to take risks. But this shakes the status quo of kleptocrats, who might send you to jail! Kleptocrats want you to live a monotonous boring life, enslaved to kleptocratic wishes, under the statist yoke. But this kind of life is not worth living.Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and violent deranged cybercops. Heroic Greek dissident bloggers are locked in jail and tortured with courts, perjuring cybercops, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek cybercops broke into the home of a dissident distinguished professor, confiscated his computer, locked him in jail, and leaked false information to the media ridiculing the dissident all over Greece! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old professor was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf!The innocent professor had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister of the Greek government, who tried to use him as a scapegoat for the bad publicity of Graecokleptocrats. Is Premier Papandreou proud of the deranged minister? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for its freakish behavior. The Letter of Rights will help to avoid miscarriages of justice and reduce the number of appeals. In a recent case, UK courts executed a Portuguese European Arrest Warrant regarding a British citizen. The warrant, for a two-year jail sentence, took more than 14 months and required six court decisions before being executed. Justice would have been served more quickly and at less cost if information on the charge had been given at the first moment of the criminal proceedings. In addition, unnecessary appeals would have been avoided.The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.The Fourth Amendment finds its roots in English legal doctrine. Sir Edward Coke, in Semayne's case(1604), famously stated the house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defense against injury and violence as for his repose.-

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An official delegation of 15 MEPs will join 50 other Eurokleptocrats already in Cancun for the final week of the UN climate scare junket(6-10 December) to allegedly press for critical steps to be made towards a binding international deal, but in reality to have fun with the taxpayers' hard-earned money. They do not know that everybody who goes to Cancun gets diarrhea from the local water!Kleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. For example, a keptocrat might travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure.Kleptocrats, accompanied by their kith and kin, are going because they cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense. The worst thing that could happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers. Many junketeers use military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour! Hookers of the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, love junkets!The delegation, led by its Chair Jo Leinen (S&D, DE) and Vice-Chair Karl-Heinz Florenz (EPP, DE), will meet UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, fellow parliamentarians (including from Brazil and Japan), civil society and industry. Global junkets of kleptocrats fail to live up to the hype and the promises made.A lot of money is spent laying them on. Host cities are disrupted for days oreven weeks. The cavalcades roll into town. Good intentions are shared inproductive talks. Then, somehow, those intentions rarely seem to come tofruition in real, tangible global action. When kleptocrats meet again a yearlater, they find things haven't really moved on.When kleptocrats meet each other on junkets, they exchange gifts paid by theirgovernments. The most expensive gifts, and secret cash under the table, aregiven by the Royal House of Saudi Arabia. That's why so many Eurokleptocratsare eager to meet the Saudi princes!A joint press conference with Climate Change Commissioner Connie Hedegaard is currently scheduled for Wednesday, 8 December at 10.30 a.m. local time (17.30 Central European Time). This will be streamed online via the UNFCCC webcast service. MEPs host a side event on energy efficiency and technology transfer in the Cancun Messe on Thursday, 9 December.The European Parliament outlined its expectations for Cancun and beyond in a resolution adopted on 25 November, in which it stated an EU move to 30% CO2 cuts by 2020 would be in the interest of its future economic growth. Climate change is heliogenic, not anthropogenic. Nevertheless, carbonmonger kleptocrats, using buzzwords like carbon footprint and clean energy, are growing a socialistmovement that won't actually benefit Gaia, but will make our lives miserable, spreading the cancer of socialism. Temperature fluctuations are only due to Sun cycles, but are used as a statist instrument, not a real object of interest for socialists who camouflage the environmental game.Global warming is due to a persistent 1,500 year heat cycle, extending back over one million years. Natural factors include continental drift, mountain formation, deviations of Earth's orbit, volcanic activity, and solar variability. For a human generation, solar variability is the mostimportant factor of climate change.China recently passed the United States as the largest total emitter of carbondioxide and is projected to have double our emissions within several years.Starting at even lower per-capita levels than China, other developing countries,such as India and Brazil, will be large emitters as they too strive for economicgrowth. The projected growth in emissions from these countries dwarfs our cutsunder cap and trade, rendering such policies futile as well as expensive.Climategate began in November 2009 with the Internet leak of thousands of emailsand other documents hacked from the University of East Anglia's ClimaticResearch Unit(CRU). The emails proved that climate scientists manipulated data,withheld scientific information, and tried to prevent dissenting scientificpapers from being published. A coalition of interests has promoted thegreenhouse myth; scientists needed funds, the media a story, green businesswindfall profits, and kleptocrats a cause to present themselves as Moses.Climate scaremongers ask for an unprecedented socialisticcontrol of our lives. Socialism camouflaged as environmentalism! Those whoaccept the alarmist view of anthropogenic climate change are marionettes ofantivenitist pullpeddlers, socialist kleptocrats, producers of greentechnologies, agribusiness producing ethanol, and trading firms dealing incarbon emission rights. Climate scare is the main threat to freedom andprosperity we are facing today.China emits more carbon than the United States. It's increasing its emissionslevels at a much faster rate, and it has no intention of cutting back. India andother fast-developing nations have made it clear that they, too, have no plansto slow down their economic growth with carbon-cutting measures.Capitalist economies innovate better than statist ones, especially for something like energy where the investments often run into the billions of dollars and the payoffs play out over decades. But cap and trade adds a significant element of statism, with wild swings in the price of carbon allowances, and energy companies less interested in long-term investment andmore interested in short-term gaming of the system. That's why Global Tax Revoltfights cap and trade.Cap-and-Trade does not cap environmental sin but merely trades a self-servingsocialist agenda for economic misery. Environmental health and longevity has ashrine in venitism. This shrine, free from the yoke of excessive regulation,protects and rewards the good steward of conservation. It nurtures the economy,promotes venitist policies that ensure environmental immortality, and persecutesthose who abuse our natural resources.Kleptocrats selling pollution permits to industry reminds us of the Catholic Church selling indulgences to sinners! Cap-and-Trade spreads the cancer of socialism and thus stifles innovation. We also know that strong economies innovate better than weak ones, but cap and trade weakens economies.Anthropogenic global warming is the hottest hoax ever perpetrated on a global scale. Rather than being wary of capitalism's ability to shepherd good energy and environmental policy, we should protect our flocks from promises of false profits made by statist pseudoprophets. Climate scaremongers endanger the freedom and prosperity of homo sapiens.Government is the greatest polluter. This polluter literally gets away with murder because of sovereign immunity. We should make government as responsible for its actions as everyone else is expected to be. Capitalists protect the environment by first abolishing sovereign immunity. By turning to government for environmental protection, we've placed the fox in charge of the hen house! Governments control over 40% of land mass. Unfortunately, government's stewardship over our land is gradually destroying it.A freakish commercial of Greenpeace shows an angry child accusing all adults of destroying his future with global warming! Thousands of drones benefit directly from the global warming scare, at the expense of the ordinary consumer. Global environmental organizations, such as Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the Environmental Defense Fund, have raked in many billions of euros. Government subsidies for useless mitigation schemes are skyrocketing.Emission trading programs are at three hundred billion euros a year level, with large fees paid to brokers, those who operate the scams, and kleptocrats. Man people have discovered they can benefit from climate scares and have formed an entrenched alliance with mafiosi and kleptocrats.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com


No one but the Egyptian ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) seems to dispute the fact that there was massive fraud during the first round of the Egyptian parliamentary elections on 28 November. Many journalists were physically prevented from covering the widespread irregularities and the freakish initimidation of dissident bloggers. Such incidents are unfortunately expected to recur during the second round on 5 December.Reporters Without Borders has drawn up a non-exhaustive list of cases of abusive behaviour towards journalists by NDP members and supporters with the complicity of the police on 28 November.Al-Masry Al-Youm reporter Noha Al-Hefnawi, Al-Shourouq photographer Alia Hamed and Masrawi.com reporter Mohamed Abu Dheif were attacked by NDP supporters and police at 10:30 a.m as they took photos of a voting station in Hoda Sharaawi school in Dokki that had been closed just two hours after the opening of the polls.A radio Horytna correspondent was prevented from entered a voting station in Ashraf school in Manial throughout the day. Two foreign journalists were allowed in.A Radio Monte Carlo Dawliya correspondent was violently attacked by three women supporters of NDP candidate Tala't El-Qawas at the Nubas voting station in Abdan. They took her camera, identity papers and press card. Her clothes were torn. Police looked on without intervening.Yasmine Fathy, who works for the Al-Ahram English-language news website, was detained for half an hour while she was trying to cover the elections in the north Cairo district of Shubra.Reporter Shaymaa Galal was trying to cover electoral fraud at a voting station in Dar Al-Bayda school in Hadayek El-Qobba when NDP supporters attacked her and took her mobile phone.Al-Shourouq reporter Reham Al-Delay was harassed by employees of a company owned by an NDP candidate near the Esko club in the north Cairo district of Al-Sahel. She was forcibly taken to the candidate's campaign headquarters and was detained there for an hour.Following the disgusting paradigm of infamous Graecokleptocrats, who persecute and jail dissident bloggers, the government of Egypt terrorizes dissident bloggers, especially during elections. Bloggers are arrested for exercising the right to free expression and are jailed on grotesque charges, such as treason, after sham trials. Politicians are trying to take away your right to read what you want, and to say what you want. The Internet is making it possible for new voices to be heard, the voices of netizens who simply could not afford to publish their ideas or display their artistic talents to a wide audience using older technologies. Established interests of both the left and the right fear new voices, and are trying to control what appears on the Internet through new laws and regulations.Following the brutal methods of freakish Greek cybercops, the police of Egypt uses perjury and violence to intimidate dissident bloggers. Bloggers have to put up with the government, the bully of blogosphere. Starting with no money, no backers, and no affiliation with elite institutions, the internet made it possible for hoi polloi to succeed by making knowledge accessible and searchable on a scale never previously available. The intellectual playing field was being leveled and the internet changed the way we think about the very real possibility of fairness and opportunity in a world that has for too long been rigged to favor the elite.Following the disgusting paradigm of Graecokleptocrats, Egyptokleptocrats use gangs of cybercops to control the internet. Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating an infamous gang of cybercops. Graecokleptocrats have discovered this gang is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for cybercops to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com .-


The recent financial crisis confirms that anarchy is much better than democracy. Only kleptocrats and looters do better in democracy. Wars, terror, massacres, and misery are instigated by governments, not people. Anarchy is an ideal limit; the closer a system is to anarchy, the better it is. We should all strive for anarchy.The cradle of democracy has become the cradle of kleptocracy. Since democracy has deteriorated to kleptocracy, especially in Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth, citizens now consider anarchy. Murray Rothbard defines the state as that institution which possesses one of the following properties: it acquires its income by the physical coercion known as taxation; and it asserts and usually obtains a coerced monopoly of the provision of defense service over a given territorial area. Anarchist society is one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of an individual. Anarchists oppose the state because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights.The Rothbardian definition of the state is not arbitrary, for these two characteristics have been possessed by what is generally acknowledged to be states throughout recorded history. The state, by its use of physical coercion, has arrogated to itself a compulsory monopoly of defense services over its territorial jurisdiction. But it is certainly conceptually possible for such services to be supplied by private, non-state institutions, and indeed such services have historically been supplied by other organizations than the state. To be opposed to the state is then not necessarily to be opposed to services that have often been linked with it; to be opposed to the state does not necessarily imply that we must be opposed to police protection, courts, arbitration, the minting of money, postal service, or roads and highways. Some anarchists have indeed been opposed to police and to all physical coercion in defense of person and property, but this is not inherent in and is fundamentally irrelevant to the anarchist position, which is precisely marked by opposition to all physical coercion invasive of, or aggressing against, person and property.The crucial role of taxation may be seen in the fact that the state is the only institution or organization in society which regularly and systematically acquires its income through the use of physical coercion. All other individuals or organizations acquire their income voluntarily, either through the voluntary sale of goods and services to consumers on the market, or through voluntary gifts or donations by members or other donors. If I cease or refrain from purchasing Wheaties on the market, the Wheaties producers do not come after me with a gun or the threat of imprisonment to force me to purchase; if I fail to join the American Philosophical Association, the association may not force me to join or prevent me from giving up my membership. Only the state can do so; only the state can confiscate my property or put me in jail if I do not pay its tax tribute. Therefore, only the state regularly exists and has its very being by means of coercive depredations on private property.Neither is it legitimate to challenge this sort of analysis by claiming that in some other sense, the purchase of Wheaties or membership in the APA is in some way coercive. Anyone who is still unhappy with this use of the term coercion can simply eliminate the word from this discussion and substitute for it physical violence or the threat thereof, with the only loss being in literary style rather than in the substance of the argument. What anarchism proposes to do, then, is to abolish the state, that is, to abolish the regularized institution of aggressive coercion.It need hardly be added that the state habitually builds upon its coercive source of income by adding a host of other aggressions upon society, ranging from economic controls to the prohibition of pornography to the compelling of religious observance to the mass murder of civilians in organized warfare. In short, the state claims and exercises a monopoly of crime over its territorial area. The second criticism Rothbard would like to defuse is the common charge that anarchists assume that all people are good and that without the state no crime would be committed. In short, that anarchism assumes that with the abolition of the state a New Anarchist Man will emerge, cooperative, humane, and benevolent, so that no problem of crime will then plague the society. Rothbard confesses that he does not understand the basis for this charge. Whatever other schools of anarchism profess – and Rothbard does not believe that they are open to the charge – he certainly does not adopt this view. Rothbard assumes with most observers that mankind is a mixture of good and evil, of cooperative and criminal tendencies. In Rothbard's view, the anarchist society is one which maximizes the tendencies for the good and the cooperative, while it minimizes both the opportunity and the moral legitimacy of the evil and the criminal. If the anarchist view is correct and the state is indeed the great legalized and socially legitimated channel for all manner of antisocial crime – theft, oppression, mass murder – on a massive scale, then surely the abolition of such an engine of crime can do nothing but favor the good in man and discourage the bad. In a profound sense, no social system, whether anarchist or statist, can work at all unless most people are good in the sense that they are not all hell-bent upon assaulting and robbing their neighbors. If everyone were so disposed, no amount of protection, whether state or private, could succeed in staving off chaos. Furthermore, the more that people are disposed to be peaceful and not aggress against their neighbors, the more successfully any social system will work, and the fewer resources will need to be devoted to police protection. The anarchist view holds that, given the nature of man, given the degree of goodness or badness at any point in time, anarchism will maximize the opportunities for the good and minimize the channels for the bad. The rest depends on the values held by the individual members of society. The only further point that needs to be made is that by eliminating the living example and the social legitimacy of the massive legalized crime of the state, anarchism will to a large extent promote peaceful values in the minds of the public.Many people think the state is vitally necessary to provide police protection, the judicial resolution of disputes and enforcement of contracts, and the creation of the law itself that is to be enforced. Rothbard's contention is that all of these admittedly necessary services of protection can be satisfactorily and efficiently supplied by private persons and institutions on the free market.One important caveat: new proposals such as anarchism are almost always gauged against the implicit assumption that the present, or statist system works to perfection. Any lacunae or difficulties with the picture of the anarchist society are considered net liabilities, and enough to dismiss anarchism out of hand. It is, in short, implicitly assumed that the state is doing its self-assumed job of protecting person and property to perfection. We cannot here go into the reasons why the state is bound to suffer inherently from grave flaws and inefficiencies in such a task. All we need do now is to point to the black and unprecedented record of the state through history: no combination of private marauders can possibly begin to match the state's unremitting record of theft, confiscation, oppression, and mass murder. No collection of Mafia or private bank robbers can begin to compare with all the Hiroshimas, Dresdens, and Lidices and their analogues through the history of mankind.It is illegitimate to compare the merits of anarchism and statism by starting with the present system as the implicit given and then critically examining only the anarchist alternative. What we must do is to begin at the zero point and then critically examine both suggested alternatives. Suppose, for example, that we were all suddenly dropped down on the earth de novo and that we were all then confronted with the question of what societal arrangements to adopt.And suppose then that someone suggested: "We are all bound to suffer from those of us who wish to aggress against their fellow men. Let us then solve this problem of crime by handing all of our weapons to the Jones family, over there, by giving all of our ultimate power to settle disputes to that family. In that way, with their monopoly of coercion and of ultimate decision making, the Jones family will be able to protect each of us from each other." Rothbard submits that this proposal would get very short shrift, except perhaps from the Jones family themselves. And yet this is precisely the common argument for the existence of the state. When we start from zero point, as in the case of the Jones family, the question of "who will guard the guardians?" becomes not simply an abiding lacuna in the theory of the state but an overwhelming barrier to its existence.The anarchist is always at a disadvantage in attempting to forecast the shape of the future anarchist society. For it is impossible for observers to predict voluntary social arrangements, including the provision of goods and services, on the free market. Suppose, for example, that this were the year 1874 and that someone predicted that eventually there would be a radio-manufacturing industry. To be able to make such a forecast successfully, does he have to be challenged to state immediately how many radio manufacturers there would be a century hence, how big they would be, where they would be located, what technology and marketing techniques they would use, and so on? Obviously, such a challenge would make no sense, and in a profound sense the same is true of those who demand a precise portrayal of the pattern of protection activities on the market. Anarchism advocates the dissolution of the state into social and market arrangements, and these arrangements are far more flexible and less predictable than political institutions. The most that we can do, then, is to offer broad guidelines and perspectives on the shape of a projected anarchist society.One important point to make here is that the advance of modern technology makes anarchistic arrangements increasingly feasible. Take, for example, the case of lighthouses, where it is often charged that it is unfeasible for private lighthouse operators to row out to each ship to charge it for use of the light. Apart from the fact that this argument ignores the successful existence of private lighthouses in earlier days, as in England in the eighteenth century, another vital consideration is that modern electronic technology makes charging each ship for the light far more feasible. Thus, the ship would have to have paid for an electronically controlled beam which could then be automatically turned on for those ships which had paid for the service.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com .-


ObamaCare seeks to nationalize health care by placing so many restrictions and unfunded mandates on private insurance companies that they will go out of business. Government will then step in to manage Medicare for the entire population, rather than only the elderly. The government monopoly on health care will most surely go just about as well as the monopoly on the post office or public education. Medicare, even if kept only for the elderly population, is going bankrupt. The only question is when, not if, Medicare along with Social Security will run out of money.Incoming Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor has said that Republicans now want to keep two significant parts of Obamacare: forcing insurance companies to offer coverage for people up to age 26 under their parents' policies, and forcing insurance companies to issue coverage for pre-existing conditions.Libertarian Party (LP) Chair Mark Hinkle points out his switch is predictable. Republicans love to say the words 'less government,' but they always vote for more government. It's a shame that the big-government Republican Party succeeded in fooling Americans again on November 2. We tried to warn the tea partiers.Hinkle asserts that repealing one bill and replacing it with much of the same thing doesn't count as a repeal. Issuing coverage for a pre-existing medical condition is like issuing coverage for a house with a pre-existing fire. It doesn't make any sense, and no insurance company would do it in a free market. By the same token, forcing insurance companies to cover adults up to age 26 under their parents' policy is absurd. Republicans and Democrats both love to treat adults like children.If Republicans succeed in keeping these Obamacare policies, it will mean significantly higher insurance premiums for everyone, in order to subsidize the huge new expenses that insurance companies will be forced to pay.The LP platform plank on health care states: We favor restoring and reviving a free market health care system. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want, the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.Before the 1960s, Americans who didn't get their insurance through work typically got it through civic organizations such as churches and social clubs. Now they're more likely to get it through government public programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The result? Greater dependence on government.Four years ago, fifty doctors who worked at the largest hospital in Athens had performed five hundred cosmetic surgeries, but they reported appendix, heart, and eye operations in patient files. They did that because cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance, and they had sent the bills to the patients' health insurance agencies. It was a gang, and it even had the audacity to place the cosmetic surgery at the top of their priority lists, while patients with serious conditions and emergency cases were kept waiting. The case still hasn't seen the inside of a courtroom. It often seems as if Greece had no judiciary. The judiciary itself is the big patient!Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com.-


Following the disgusting paradigm of infamous Graecokleptocrats, who terrorize and jail dissident bloggers, the government of Bahrain arrested 25 dissident bloggers. Reporters Without Borders wrote to U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton ahead of her upcoming visit to Bahrain voicing deep concern about the situation of freedom of expression and human rights in the Gulf state.The trial of the bloggers who were arrested in August and September began on 28 October. Two follow-up hearings have since been held, on 11 and 25 November. The defendants include Adeljalil Al-Singace, a blogger and academic who heads the civil liberties and pro-democracy movement Al Haq, and Ali Abdulemam, a blogger regarded as one of Bahrain's Internet pioneers, who is an active member of the Bahrainonline forum. All of the defendants, who pleaded not guilty to the 10 charges brought against them, have complained of being the victims of violence and mistreatment while detained. Following the brutal methods of freakish Greek cybercops, the police of Bahrain does not give a damn for human rights.The letter urged Clinton to do everything possible to have such practices stopped and to support the cause of the country's human rights defenders in her conversations with the Bahraini authorities. Reporters Without Borders, which is especially concerned about the right to a fair trial and respect for defence rights, called on Clinton to press for the release of the detained dissident bloggers, and to raise the cases of Abdeljalil Al-Singace and Ali Abdulemam in particular. Following the disgusting perjury paradigm of Greek cybercops, Bahrain cybercops lie like hell.Graecokleptocrats terrorize dissident bloggers on a consistent basis, using brutal cybercops. The stupidity and vindictiveness of certain Greek ministers is out of this world. Graecokleptocrats and Graecomedia are in cahoots to preserve the corrupt status quo, mudslinging dissident bloggers. The Ministry of Truth or Minitrue in Newspeak was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by the government of Dystopia to control information in his seminal novel of 1984. Now, governments have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. But there is no way Minitrue can gag the internet. Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating an infamous gang of cybercops. Graecokleptocrats have discovered this gang is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for cybercops to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and violent deranged cybercops. Heroic Greek dissident bloggers are locked in jail and tortured with courts, perjuring cybercops, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek cybercops broke into the home of a heroic dissident blogger, confiscated his computer, locked him in jail, and leaked false information to the media ridiculing the dissident all over Greece! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old distinguished professor was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! The innocent professor had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister of the Greek government, who tried to use him as a scapegoat for the bad publicity of Graecokleptocrats. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for its freakish behavior. Bloggers cause anxiety to kleptocrats. Governments are wary of those posting news, without being professional journalists. Worse, bloggers sometimes raise sensitive issues which the traditional media do not dare cover. Blogs have in some countries, especially Greece, become the only reliable source of news.-


The smaller the state, the better it is. The ideal limit is the one-person state, aka anarchy! Addressing Committee of the Regions (CoR) members Wednesday afternoon in Brussels, Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso supported a greater role for regions and cities in achieving Fourth Reich(EU) goals: We cannot win the hearts and minds of citizens without the leadership of regional and local representatives that have to contribute to promote Europe. You are essential relays for the Union. Downsizing a country makes a lot of sense. Small is beautiful and efficient. The best State is the city-state. A city-state is an independent country whose territory consists of a city. The city-states of ancient Greece, such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth, have shown that the smaller the state, the better it is.Barroso said he would push member states to involve regional and local authorities through territorial pacts. CoR President Mercedes Bresso welcomed this announcement, adding that the Fourth Reich 2020 targets can only be reached if all levels of government work together right from the beginning.Barroso was presenting his priorities for 2011 to mayors, councillors and regional representatives from across Fourth Reich. He underlined that from the beginning, his objective has been to deliver the Fourth Reich 2020 strategy with a wide range of partners, including the Committee of the Regions as well as regional and local authorities. Commenting on recent CoR proposals to involve regions and cities in the implementation of the Fourth Reich 2020 strategy, Barroso stressed: We are very much in favour of your idea of territorial pacts. I will push member states to accept involvement of all parties in territorial pacts. CoR President Mercedes Bresso concurred that the success of Fourth Reich flagship initiatives, as well as most Fourth Reich policies, largely depended on a greater role for regions and cities: Local and regional authorities manage two thirds of all public investments, so their support is crucial in achieving the Europe 2020 targets. We are ready to work together with the Commission, the member states and the European Parliament to realise these goals. This must happen on an equal footing, and not with regions and cities being seen as mere implementing authorities. The Principality of Monaco is an independent city-state. Monaco-Ville, the ancient fortified city and Monaco's well-known area Monte Carlo are districts of a continuous urban zone, not distinct cities. Singapore is an island city-state in Southeast Asia. About 5 million people live and work within 700 square kilometres, 270 sq miles. Vatican City is a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome.Now, Catalonia wants independence from Spain; California, Texas, and New York City want independence from USA; Europeans want independence from Fourth Reich(EU); England, Scotland, and Wales want independence from UK; Athenians want independence from Graecokleptocrats!Switzerland's decentralized structure shows the value of local government, both as a means of limiting the size of government and as a way of promoting tranquility in a nation with several languages, religions, and ethnic groups. We all admire Switzerland's valiant attempt to preserve financial privacy in a world dominated by greedy, high-tax governments.VAT and kleptocracy are two good reasons to secede from Fourth Reich(EU) now. Vatstruck Fourthreichians are looking for a Moses to liberate them from the yoke of Brussels. They have to do it now, before a new imposed treaty between Eurokleptocrats tie their hands forever. Californians and Texans want to secede from USA, but Uncle Sam does not allow it. The same thing might happen with Britons and Greeks. Infinite infinitesimal amendments to treaties might accumulate over time, leading to huge changes of original intent, enslaving all Fourthreichians to antivenitist Brussels forever!Greenland was the first country to secede from Fourth Reich. The Lisbon Treaty introduces a secession clause. A slave State may notify the Fourthreichian Council that it wishes to secede, upon which secession negotiations begin; if no other agreement is reached, the hateful Lisbon Treaty ceases to apply to the seceding State two years after such notification.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com .-


Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament made the following hoodwinking statement on the first anniversary of the entry into force of the hateful Lisbon Treaty - 1 December 2010: The new Treaty of Lisbon has now been in force for one year. Like a new born child first learns to walk, before it is ready to set to travel the world, the European institutions and member states are learning to operate in a new Lisbon environment. In this short time, the Treaty has brought major and very positive changes to the way that the European Union conducts its business. Embodying the most important set of changes, Lisbon has established a new balance of power within and between the EU's institutions - one which allows us to function more efficiently, more transparently and be more accountable.Europeans consider the European Union null and void confederation, because they did not vote for any constitutional treaty! Eurokleptocrats pulled off the biggest powergrab in history by imposing a camouflaged constitution, bypassing all nonos. The Nazi dream for Europe was finally fullfilled - ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer - one people, one empire, one leader. The Lisbon Treaty is Eurokleptocracy's Pyrrhic victory. It created a confederation, Fourth Reich, without a popular foundation. EU lacks legitimacy among Europeans. Eurokleptocrats created a situation where the citizens of slave States live their lives with a resigned feeling that the EU project is not their own. Since EU is illegal, VAT is also illegal! No vote, no VAT, it's as simple as that! Europeans have the right to refuse paying VAT!Fourth Reich originates from the Red House Report(RHR), a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg, a couple of blocks from today's Eldorado of Prostitutes(EP), on August 10, 1944. There, Nazi top officials instructed an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany's post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis' return to power, and work for a strong Fourth Reich. RHR copied by British spies and sent to the US Secretary of State, detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany's economy. They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad, wait until conditions were right, and then grab power with various hoodwinking treaties.Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation,Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.The hateful Lisbon Treaty was meant to address the question famously attributed to Henry Kissinger Who do I call if I want to speak to Europe? by instituting a permanent Fourth Reich Fuehrer and foreign minister and by streamlining Brussels' mammoth bureaucracy, but it has created more confusion than clarity, with no fewer than five people now sporting the title of Fuehrer of Fourth Reich. In reality, the real power is Chancellor Merkel. The driving ethos behind Fourth Reich's foreign policy power-grab is the idea that the nations of Fourth Reich will be stronger collectively than they are separately, but sovereignty cannot be traded for influence.What had started as a regional customs union founded by France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy and West Germany in 1957 has been transformed since then into a political and economic confederation of 27 member States with more than half billion citizens, the so-called United States of Europe, with its own flag and anthem, and since 2002, a currency, as well as a parliament and a huge government bureaucracy in Brussels that oversee a massive economic powerhouse that generates an estimated 30% of the nominal gross world product.VAT and kleptocracy are two good reasons to secede from Fourth Reich(EU) now. Vatstruck Fourthreichians are looking for a Moses to liberate them from the yoke of Brussels. They have to do it now, before a new imposed treaty between Eurokleptocrats tie their hands forever. Californians and Texans want to secede from USA, but Uncle Sam does not allow it. The same thing might happen with Britons and Greeks. Infinite infinitesimal amendments to treaties might accumulate over time, leading to huge changes of original intent, enslaving all Fourthreichians to antivenitist Brussels forever!Greenland was the first country to secede from Fourth Reich. The Lisbon Treaty introduces a secession clause. A slave State may notify the Fourthreichian Council that it wishes to secede, upon which secession negotiations begin; if no other agreement is reached, the hateful Lisbon Treaty ceases to apply to the seceding State two years after such notification.Fourth Reich(EU), an unvoted illegal confederation, cannot protect Europeans from kleptocrats, especially Graecokleptocrats, and police brutes, especially Greek cybercops. Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek cybercops broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, locked him in jail, and leaked false information to the media ridiculing the dissident all over Greece! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! The innocent dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister of the Greek government. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for this freakish behavior. On the contrary, the dissident is still tortured with courts, perjurers, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!


Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group — whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called the common good. The most efficient political system is anarchy, where everything is private, there are no taxes at all, there is no government, and there is no parliament.Leonard Peikoff points out collectivism holds that, in human affairs, the collective — society, the community, the nation, the proletariat, the race, etc — is the unit of reality and the standard of value. On this view, the individual has reality only as part of the group, and value only insofar as he serves it.The philosophy of collectivism upholds the existence of a mystic (and unperceivable) social organism, while denying the reality of perceived individuals — a view which implies that man's senses are not a valid instrument for perceiving reality. Collectivism maintains that an elite endowed with special mystic insight should rule men — which implies the existence of an elite source of knowledge, a fund of revelations inaccessible to logic and transcending the mind. Collectivism denies that men should deal with one another by voluntary means, settling their disputes by a process of rational persuasion; it declares that men should live under the reign of physical force (as wielded by the dictator of the omnipotent state) — a position which jettisons reason as the guide and arbiter of human relationships. From every aspect, the theory of collectivism points to the same conclusion: collectivism and the advocacy of reason are philosophically antithetical; it is one or the other.The entropy of an organization drastically increases with the size of the organization. The Greek government does not need more than five ministers, but it has fifty ministers! No wonder Greece goes bankrupt. Greek ministers enjoy full impunity, no matter what they do. And they do many stupid things! On October 18, 2010, a minister locked an innocent dissident blogger in jail for allegedly making fun of her! Moreover, brutal cybercops confiscated his computers at home and office, and leaked false accusations to the media, ridiculing the dissident all over Greece. In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of the minister. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for this freakish behavior. On the contrary, the dissident is still tortured with courts, perjurers, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!Anarchy is the opposite of collectivism. The recent financial crisis confirms that anarchy is much better than democracy. Only kleptocrats and looters do better in democracy. Wars, terror, massacres, and misery are instigated by governments, not people. Anarchy is an ideal limit; the closer a system is to anarchy, the better it is. We should all strive for anarchy.The cradle of democracy has become the cradle of kleptocracy. Since democracy has deteriorated to kleptocracy, especially in Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth, citizens now consider anarchy. Murray Rothbard defines the state as that institution which possesses one of the following properties: it acquires its income by the physical coercion known as taxation; and it asserts and usually obtains a coerced monopoly of the provision of defense service over a given territorial area. Anarchist society is one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of an individual. Anarchists oppose the state because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights.The Rothbardian definition of the state is not arbitrary, for these two characteristics have been possessed by what is generally acknowledged to be states throughout recorded history. The state, by its use of physical coercion, has arrogated to itself a compulsory monopoly of defense services over its territorial jurisdiction. But it is certainly conceptually possible for such services to be supplied by private, non-state institutions, and indeed such services have historically been supplied by other organizations than the state.


Ahmed Hassan Bassyouni, 30, appeared before an Egyptian military court Tuesday 24 November charged with revealing military secrets, for establishing a Facebook group on carrying out military service and answering questions on the military without permission. The name of the Facebook group, the Conscription and Mobilization Department, is identical to that of the official body in charge of Egyptian military service. However, Ahmed Hassan Bassyouni has made it clear that his was not an official government website.Ahmed Hassan Bassyouni is being tried solely for publishing information readily available in the public domain and often published in local newspapers. That's why Amnesty International considers him a prisoner of conscience. His trial shows the limitations imposed by the Egyptian authorities on the rights to freedom of expression and access to information.Ahmed Hassan Bassyouni was arrested on 30 October following an interview about his Facebook group on Egyptian radio. After the interview, he was called back to the studio where military investigation officers were waiting to arrest him. He was then detained, interrogated and kept in military custody until he appeared before a military prosecutor on 6 November. There he was further interrogated, and remanded in custody. He was later referred to trial before the al-Haram Military Court, and the first session was held on 20 November. Ahmed Hassan Bassyouni's case has now been postponed to 29 November. The Egyptian authorities must end the practice of trying civilians before military courts. This is an abuse of the Egyptian judicial system and the right to a fair trial. These trials are fundamentally unfair. Ahmed Hassan Bassyouni's trial comes amid a widespread crackdown by the Egyptian authorities on dissent and criticism in the media, and on political opposition and human rights activists, in the run-up to Egypt's parliamentary elections on 28 November.On the other side of the Med, freakish Graecokleptocrats accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers, and lock them is jail! Graecokleptocrats are the #1 enemy of the Greek people. Kleptocracy, perjury, and police brutality are galloping in Greece, but Premier George Papandreou speaks no evil, hears no evil, and sees no evil. Selective hearing is a symptom of the cancer of socialism! Anarchy would be the most appropriate system for Greece.There are only two serious political parties in Greece, Drasi and Democratic Alliance. Nea Democratia and Pasok are kleptocratic mafias. KKE, Syriza, and LA.O.S. are rabblerousing mickeymouse parties, mostly consisting of leftovers and rejects from other parties. Pasok manipulates brutal cybercops to terrorize dissident bloggers!Greece, the cradle of kleptocracy, is the most corrupt country on Earth. Abolishing kleptocracy in modern Greece will prove even more futile than the famous search by Diogenes for an honest man in Ancient Greece. Greece is George Orwell's Dystopia with the four infamous ministries, Minitrue(Education), Miniluv(Police), Miniplenty(Economy), and Minipax(Defense). Anarchy is much better than kleptocracy.The entropy of an organization drastically increases with the size of the organization. The Greek government does not need more than five ministers, but it has fifty ministers! No wonder Greece goes bankrupt. Greek ministers enjoy full impunity, no matter what they do. And they do many stupid things! On October 18, 2010, a minister locked an innocent dissident blogger in jail for allegedly making fun of her! Moreover, brutal cybercops confiscated his computers at home and office, and leaked false accusations to the media, ridiculing the dissident all over Greece. In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of the minister. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for this freakish behavior. On the contrary, the dissident is still tortured with courts, perjurers, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!


250,000 documents, revealed by the whistle-blowing WikiLeaks, provide candid critical views of kleptocrats as well as sensitive information on terrorism and nuclear proliferation. Statism needs war; a free country does not. Statism survives by looting; a free country survives by production. If men want to oppose war, it is statism that they must oppose. So long as they hold the tribal notion that the individual is sacrificial fodder for the collective, that some men have the right to rule others by force, and that some alleged good can justify it — there can be no peace within a nation and no peace among nations.Among the revelations, King Abdullah has frequently exhorted the U.S. to attack Iran to put an end to its nuclear weapons program, to cut off the head of the snake. China's Politburo directed an intrusion into Google's computer systems, part of a broader coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by Chinese government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws.The cables contain tart comments such as a U.S. diplomat's description of German Chancellor Angela Merkel as someone who avoids risk and is seldom creative. Another document cites a U.S. embassy cable revealing Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi having a romantic relationship with his Ukranian nurse, who is described as a voluptuous blonde. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is described as playing Robin to Putin's Batman.The Butterfly Effect proves that you only need a major warmonger to transform a minor incident to world war. Winston Spencer,Churchill's sadomasochist career lasted half a century, and no other Western warmonger was more calamitous for his country and civilization than Churchill. More than any other kleptocrat, in 1914 and 1939, Churchill lusted for war, hisweird ac-dc foreplay, and pushed his country to turn two European wars intoworld wars. Both times, he succeeded, and those wars, that together took thelives of a hundred million Europeans, were the most infamous mortal blows onhumanity. If Churchill did not interfere, Hitler could have wiped out communismfrom the surface of Earth by 1942.Adolf Hitler had limited geopolitical aims, just to liberate Eastern Europe fromthe yoke of communism, but the excitable warmoger Churchill overreacted. Hitlerwas not out to conquer the world, he loved and admired Britons, he let theBritish army evacuate from Dunkirk, and he built a defensive line betweenGermany and France, the Siegfried Line. Churchill's decision to bomb a shatteredGermany between January and May 1945 was a war crime. When Churchill entered theinner Cabinet as First Lord in 1911, Britain was the first nation on Earth andruler of the greatest empire since Rome. The sun never set on the BritishEmpire. When Churchill left in 1945, Britain was a poor island. He was a GreatMan, at the cost of his country's greatness.Before becoming premier, Churchill received envoys from Hitler in 1938 and metwith Nazi Ambassador Joachim von Ribbentrop, who sought to convince Churchill,who favored war, of the benefits of appeasement. Ribbentrop, the host, andChurchill stood together in front of an enormous map in the German Embassy inLondon, while Ribbentrop explained that the Germans could eliminate communism.He assured Churchill that the British Empire would be left untouched, but thatthe British would have to accept Germany's eastward expansion in return. Churchill, however, felt that this division of territory was unacceptable, towhich Ribbentrop brusquely replied: In that case, war is inevitable.Most Americans opposed entry into World War II, primarily because they had experienced the destructive idiocy of U.S. intervention into World War I, a war that accomplished nothing more than the wasteful sacrifice of thousands of American lives, not to mention giving rise to Adolf Hitler and, ultimately, World War II. Even though World War II saved Europe from the Nazis, the Eastern Europeans were delivered into the hands of America's communist partner in WW II, the Soviet Union.Greek Ministry of Defense is George Orwell's Ministry of Peace or Minipax in Newspeak, whose only purpose is to generate military kickbacks and bewilder hoi polloi. Minipax revolves around the principle of perpetual war. Since Greeks have a well-defined enemy, terrorist Turkey, they know whom they hate, and constant government propaganda helps to convince Greeks to vent all their unconscious rage for their own country against terrorist Turkey. Since that means the balance of the country rests in Turcophobia, Minipax is in charge of fighting Turcoterrorists, but making sure to never tip the scales, in case the fight should become one-sided. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com .-


The nationalist Convergence and Union party(CiU) inflicted a heavy defeat on the ruling Socialists in regional elections on Sunday, dealing a blow to embattled Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. CiU, which seeks autonomy for Catalonia, will create problems for Zapatero by pressing for more control of its own tax revenue. Catalonia is the richest province of Spain.CiU attracted 38 percent of votes to win 62 seats in the 135-seat Catalan Parliament. CiU leader Artur Mas is to take over from his Socialist counterpart, Jose Montilla, as president of the regional government, although his party fell short of the 68 seats needed for an absolute majority.Downsizing a country makes a lot of sense. Small is beautiful and efficient. The best State is the city-state. A city-state is an independent country whose territory consists of a city. The city-states of ancient Greece, such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth, have shown that the smaller the state, the better it is.The entropy of an organization drastically increases with the size of the organization. The Greek government does not need more than five ministers, but it has fifty ministers! No wonder Greece goes bankrupt. Greek ministers enjoy full impunity, no matter what they do. And they do many stupid things! On October 18, 2010, a minister locked an innocent dissident blogger in jail for allegedly making fun of her! Moreover, brutal cybercops confiscated his computers at home and office, and leaked false accusations to the media, ridiculing the dissident all over Greece. In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of the minister. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for this freakish behavior. On the contrary, the dissident is still tortured with courts, perjurers, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!The Principality of Monaco is an independent city-state. Monaco-Ville, the ancient fortified city and Monaco's well-known area Monte Carlo are districts of a continuous urban zone, not distinct cities. Singapore is an island city-state in Southeast Asia. About 5 million people live and work within 700 square kilometres, 270 sq miles. Vatican City is a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome.Now, Catalonia wants independence from Spain; California, Texas, and New York City want independence from USA; Europeans want independence from Fourth Reich(EU); England, Scotland, and Wales want independence from UK; Athenians want independence from Graecokleptocrats!The smaller the state, the better it is. The ideal limit is the one-person state, aka anarchy! The recent financial crisis confirms that anarchy is much better than democracy. Only kleptocrats and looters do better in democracy. Wars, terror, massacres, and misery are instigated by governments, not people. Anarchy is an ideal limit; the closer a system is to anarchy, the better it is. We should all strive for anarchy.The cradle of democracy has become the cradle of kleptocracy. Since democracy has deteriorated to kleptocracy, especially in Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth, citizens now consider anarchy. Murray Rothbard defines the state as that institution which possesses one of the following properties: it acquires its income by the physical coercion known as taxation; and it asserts and usually obtains a coerced monopoly of the provision of defense service over a given territorial area. Anarchist society is one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of an individual. Anarchists oppose the state because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights.-


The real causes of the Fourthreichian financial meltdown have not been addressed yet. Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation,Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.The European Commission's autumn forecast foresees a continuation of the economic recovery currently underway in the EU. GDP is projected to grow by around 1¾% in 2010-11 and by around 2% in 2012. A better than expected performance so far this year underpins the upward revision to annual growth in 2010 compared to the spring forecast. However, amid a softening global environment and the onset of fiscal consolidation, activity is expected to moderate towards the end of the year and in 2011, but to pick up again in 2012 on the back of strengthening private demand. With the economic recovery taking hold in the EU, labour-market conditions are expected to slowly improve over the forecast horizon, as is the budgetary situation. The unemployment rate is projected to fall to around 9% in 2012, with the public deficit declining to about 4¼% of GDP. Developments across Member States are nevertheless set to remain uneven. European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn said: The economic recovery has taken hold. I am encouraged by the prospect that employment is finally set to improve next year in Europe. Public deficits are starting to decline thanks to the consolidation measures taken and to the resumption of growth. However, this recovery is uneven, and many Member States are going through a difficult period of adjustment. A determined continuation of fiscal consolidation and frontloaded policies to enhance growth, are essential to set the sound basis for sustainable growth and jobs. The turbulence in sovereign debt markets underlines the need for robust policy action.In Fourth Reich(EU), the year 2010 has been the year of the first steps towards the implementation of the hateful Lisbon Treaty and the first steps were neither too decisive, nor persuasive. In the spring, it all was pushed back by the crisis of the Eurozone, to which the Greek debt crisis gave the major impulse. This did not come as a surprise. The only question was which part of the frail chain of European monetary integration was going to break first.The year 2010 was also the year of major mockery of European justice, especially in Greece. The Greek Ministry of Justice is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Injustice, aka Kangaroo Ministry! It's justice proceeding by leaps, like a kangaroo. Most courts of the metropolitan area of Athens are located on Evelpidon campus, a Kangaroo valley where trials on average last a couple of minutes without jury. The year 2010 was also the year of huge police brutality, especially in Greece. The Greek police is infamous for the brutality of its morons. Amnesty International has longstanding and continuing concerns regarding the failure of the authorities in Greece to ensure that police morons respect and protect human rights. Allegations of human rights violations committed by the police continue to be made, in the context of both policing demonstrations and during arrest and detention. The year 2010 was also the year of freakish cybercops harassing dissident bloggers, especially in Greece. Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf!


Two Hundred nations go to Cancun junket for climate talks. Kleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. For example, a keptocrat might travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure.Kleptocrats, accompanied by their kith and kin, are going because they cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense. The worst thing that could happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers. Many junketeers use military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour! Hookers of the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, love junkets!Junketeers are focused on securing smaller-scale agreements on issues ranging from deforestation to green technology-sharing, rather than a comprehensive pact on global warming. Climate change is heliogenic, not anthropogenic. Nevertheless, carbonmonger kleptocrats, using buzzwords like carbon footprint and clean energy, are growing a socialist movement that won't actually benefit Gaia, but will make our lives miserable, spreading the cancer of socialism. Temperature fluctuations are only due to Sun cycles, but are used as a statist instrument, not a real object of interest for socialists who camouflage the environmental game.Efforts to hammer out a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol have stalled. The Copenhagen Accord saw countries outline their climate protection strategies – but the last-minute document was non-binding and opposed by some developing nations. Helping developing countries cope with the financial impacts of climate change remains a hot-button issue for negotiators. Global warming is due to a persistent 1,500 year heat cycle, extending back over one million years. Natural factors include continental drift, mountain formation, deviations of Earth's orbit, volcanic activity, and solar variability. For a human generation, solar variability is the mostimportant factor of climate change.International representatives see the two-week talks in Cancun only as a fresh start. Cap-and-Trade does not cap environmental sin but merely trades a self-servingsocialist agenda for economic misery. Environmental health and longevity has ashrine in venitism. This shrine, free from the yoke of excessive regulation,protects and rewards the good steward of conservation. It nurtures the economy,promotes venitist policies that ensure environmental immortality, and persecutesthose who abuse our natural resources.Global junkets of kleptocrats fail to live up to the hype and the promises made.A lot of money is spent laying them on. Host cities are disrupted for days oreven weeks. The cavalcades roll into town. Good intentions are shared inproductive talks. Then, somehow, those intentions rarely seem to come tofruition in real, tangible global action. When kleptocrats meet again a yearlater, they find things haven't really moved on.When kleptocrats meet each other on junkets, they exchange gifts paid by theirgovernments. The most expensive gifts, and secret cash under the table, aregiven by the Royal House of Saudi Arabia. That's why so many Eurokleptocratsare eager to meet the Saudi princes!Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to keynote.speakers@yahoo.com.-

** /Η Πανδίων Αρκαδικός έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Ξεμπρόστιασμα στα λαμόγια των κομμάτων.

Πανδίων ΑρκαδικόςDecember 5, 2010 at 6:09pm
Θέμα: Περίεργες...αποκαλύψεις.
Τι να συνέβη άραγε και μας προέκυψε τόση "παραγωγικότητα" χθές απο την ΕΛ.ΑΣ;;; Γιάφκες, σέχτες, κρυσφήγετα, οπλισμός... Όλα στη φόρα. Λίγες μόλις ημέρες πρίν από την επέτειο της άνανδρης δολοφονίας του αδικοχαμένου Αλέξη και την άφιξη του αρχικομισάριου του ΔΝΤ στην πρωτεύουσα της μπανανίας.Περίεργα πράγματα... Πολύ περίεργα...

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Παρουσίαση με λίγα λόγια: Η απάντηση βρίσκεται στα ναπολιτάνικα τραπουλόχαρτα, που χρησιμοποιούσαμε στα ελληνικά καφενεία μέχρι το 1900. Τα τέσσερα σχήματα αυτών των τραπουλόχαρτων είναι: picche (: μπαστούνια), spade (: σπαθιά), coppa (: κούπα-κύπελλο), denari (εδώ κρατήσαμε το γαλλικό carreau-καρό), στα 24grammata.com. υπάρχουν σχετικές φωτογραφίες. Η ναπολιτάνικη τράπουλα είναι δυσδιάκριτη, γιατί περιέχει σχήματα και όχι αριθμούς. Γι αυτό και στην Ελλάδα αντικαταστάθηκε πολύ γρήγορα από τη γαλλική τράπουλα (από την ιταλ. λέξη trappola: παγίδα > αγγλ., γερμ.> trap). Οι Έλληνες αντικατέστησαν εύκολα τα τραπουλόχαρτα αλλά μέχρι σήμερα δεν έχουν αλλάξει την ορολογία, την οποία απέδωσαν στην πρώτη τράπουλα που γνώρισαν (συνεχίζουν, δηλαδή, να βλέπουν “καρδούλες” και να τις λένε κούπες ή τριφύλλια και να τα αποκαλούν σπαθιά), (Γιώργος Δαμιανός).
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*** Ο/Η Gia osous agapame Amanda(Kirsten Prout) σχολίασε τη φωτογραφία σας. Ο/H Gia osous agapame Amanda(Kirsten Prout) έγραψε:"epishs file m!!:)"Για να δείτε όλα τα σχόλια, ακολουθείστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:http://www.facebook.com/n/?photo.php&fbid=1754832517726&set=o.111927498863816&mid=36597afG56358b7cG2632f35G9&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook

** Ο/Η Milan Papas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Μαύρο Ιστολόγιο Κομμουνισμού - Black Blog of Communism.

Milan PapasDecember 5, 2010 at 3:51pm
Θέμα: Στου Μακρυγιάννη: τότε και σήμερα
Ιστορικά αρχεία και ντοκουμέντα για το Σύνταγμα Χωροφυλακής Μακρυγιάννη

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*** Ο/Η E-tirnavos Gr έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Δεκέμβριος: ένα μήνας γεμάτος προσφορές!

E-tirnavos GrDecember 5, 2010 at 2:55pm
Θέμα: Vodafone: Προειδοποίηση για παραπλανητικά μηνύματα!
http://www.facebook.com/l/cc7e4Gf9W-_8JbP3NrFXoCE8eug;www.e-tirnavos.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1725:vodafone----&catid=3:newsflash&Itemid=125 .-

***Bulletin from the cause: Κατάργηση βουλευτικής ασυλίας για ποινικά αδικήματα Go to Cause
Αναπαραγωγή βίντεο
Στηριζόμενο σε ένα ρεπορτάζ του Νίκου Βαφειάδη που δημοσιεύτηκε στην "Καθημερινή (διέφυγε την προσοχή της αρχισυνταξίας και δημοσιεύτηκε) είναι το βίντεο απ' το contra chanel. Λεπτομέρεια ο…
Προστέθηκε στις 3/12/2010Posted By: Demetra Stavrou
To: Members in Κατάργηση βουλευτικής ασυλίας για ποινικά αδικήματα
Τα προνόμια των Βουλευτών
...Έρευνα: Ν. Γεωργιάδη
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** Ο/Η Bill Tromaras έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του OI.METHISTANES.

Bill TromarasDecember 5, 2010 at 1:36pm
Θέμα: .........A L E R T ........... A L E R T
Ενημέρωσε όλες τις επαφές που έχεις στον υπολογιστή σου, να μην δέχονται τις εξής επαφές:nico_10_72@ http://www.facebook.com/l/cc7e4y4-v8lW8DkVpmF530oSpOw;hotmail.frnico_72_10@ http://www.facebook.com/l/cc7e4y4-v8lW8DkVpmF530oSpOw;hotmail.fryann.photos@ http://www.facebook.com/l/cc7e4y4-v8lW8DkVpmF530oSpOw;hotmail.frkevinblancher@ http://www.facebook.com/l/cc7e4y4-v8lW8DkVpmF530oSpOw;hotmail.fr κάποιος που είναι «πειρατής»στον υπολογιστή σου και εάν κάποια από επαφές σου τον «αρπάξει» θα πληγείς και εσύ. Στείλε λοιπόν αυτό το μήνυμα σε όλους. Είναι επείγον και ο ιός κυκλοφορεί ήδη.Η επιβεβαίωση αυτής της πληροφορίας έχει ήδη ανακοινωθεί από το γαλλικό κανάλιEUROPE 1.Τις προσεχείς ημέρες πρέπει να προσέξεις να μην ανοίξεις κανένα μήνυμα που ονομάζεταιl'Invitation (πρόσκληση), ή τι θέλει η φωτογραφία σου σ΄αυτό το site?Όποιος κι’ αν σας το έχει στείλει!!!Είναι ένας ιός που ανοίγει μια ολυμπιακή δάδα και καταστρέφει το σκληρό δίσκο τουPC.Αυτός ο ιός θα σας σταλεί από κάποιον που έχετε στις επαφές σας , γι αυτό πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να στείλετε αυτό το e-mailσε όλους.Λοιπόν, αν δεχτείς ένα μήνυμα με όνομα 'invitation' (πρόσκληση) ΚΥΡΙΩΣ ΜΗΝ ΤΟ ΑΝΟΙΞΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΒΗΣΕ ΑΜΕΣΩΣ ΤΟ PCΣΟΥ.Είναι ο χειρότερος ιός που έχει ποτέ ανακοινώσει το CNNκαι έχει καταταχθεί από τη Microsoft ως ο ιός ο πιο καταστροφικός που έχει παρουσιαστεί μέχρι σήμερα!Αυτός ο ιός ανακαλύφθηκε χτες (?) το απόγευμα από τηνMCAfee και δεν έχει βρεθεί ακόμα λύση.Καταστρέφει απλούστατα την 'zone zé ro' του σκληρού δίσκου όπου είναι κρυμμένες οι κύριες πληροφορίες!

*** Ο/Η Bill Tromaras έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του OI.METHISTANES.

Bill TromarasDecember 5, 2010 at 12:43pm
Θέμα: .........A L E R T ........... A L E R T
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/?sk=messages&tid=1711683322397 .-


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http://goneis-paidi.blogspot.com/Συλλογος Πατρικης και Ανδρικης Αξιοπρεπειας τηλ 6942989785 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 6942989785 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Επισκεφθείτε καντε εγγραφη στο mail group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goneas2005/ (it s free)Μοιραστείτε μαζι με αλλους τις αποψεις και εμπειριες σας.Προσφέρετε και δεχθειτε βοηθεια στο προβλημα σας.--- Στις Παρ., 03/12/10, ο/η ΜΕΣΣΑΡΙΤΑΚΗΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΣ < messarit@sch.gr > έγραψε:
Από: ΜΕΣΣΑΡΙΤΑΚΗΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΣ < messarit@sch.gr >Θέμα: Re: H ΠΡΩΤΗ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΑΣΗ ΣΤΗ ΧΑΝΘ, ΕΓΙΝΕ ΜΕ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΑ.Προς: goneas2005@yahoogroups.com Ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή, 3 Δεκέμβριος 2010, 18:12 .-


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